FDDM - the art of sustainable development

FDDM is the structure created in 1999 by the State of Valais and the City of Sion to promote sustainable development in its territory and in the mountain regions of the world.

If the heart of its activity is to coordinate the implementation of Agenda 21 cantonal, the FDDM also works in education and international cooperation and implementation of events.

4 axes define its activity:

Agenda 21 Valais for concrete actions

FDDM accompanies the canton, municipalities and companies wishing to implement their projects in line with the principles of sustainability, for example through support for the implementation of Local Agenda 21 or animation of participatory workshops.

Events to convey the principles of sustainable development

The FDDM organizes and accompanies events, symposia, seminars and awareness day’s on themes of sustainable development.

Education: awareness of sustainable development from an early age

The FDDM conducts school-based interventions and supports teachers and students in the implementation of concrete measures, whether businesses or projects Agendas 21 school.

Cooperation projects to encourage sustainable development in mountain regions of the world

To promote the exchange of experiences and assist project managers in their approaches, FDDM takes action at the international level to contribute to a better quality of life of mountain people. In close collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), it works in networking and promotion of sustainable development in mountain areas.